SGN (Gas Emergency Service)
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Loss of gas supply – Highlands, Banbury, OX16

Dear customer, 

We are aware that some gas supplies in your area have been interrupted due to water entering our network. Our engineers are onsite working to restore supplies as quickly as possible. For safety reasons we may need to turn off your gas supply at the meter if your property is affected. 

At this time, it is difficult to estimate exactly how long this work will take, however we will keep you informed of our progress, once our repair is complete, if you have been affected, engineers will call at your home to carry out further checks. For further information please contact a member of our team on site or call 0800 912 1717

We understand being without your gas supply is difficult and we apologise for the inconvenience.

Our engineers will visit gas customers on the Priority Service Register to offer extra support during our work. If you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours who need support but are not on our list. Please call us on 0800 975 1818 or email customer@sgn.co.uk. 

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Message Sent By
Dan Edwards
(SGN, Incident Support, South Incident Support)

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